Ambulance Payer List and Provider Enrollment Requirements


Medicare Payers
Medicaid Payers
BC/BS Payers
Commercial Carriers




Prior to submitting insurance claims through EAC Submissions, two steps must be undertaken for each Payer (carrier) you are sending claims to.

  • Step-1: Determine EAC's Payer ID for that carrier and include it in the claim submission
  • Step-2: Determine if the Payer requires any special registration process and complete that process prior to submitting claims for that Payer

Both steps are easily accomplished by selecting the appropriate button for the type of carrier on the left.  Find the carrier and the Payer ID will be displayed as well as any requirements for that Payer.

If you can't find the carrier you're looking for, please call us for assistance at 847-305-7463


:: Pertinent Terms
Patient: The person who received the treatment/transport

Insured: The person who's name the insurance policy is under

Subscriber: The person or agency who owns the insurance policy

Provider: The ambulance company or rescue squad

Submitter: The agency that is performing the electronic submissions (EAC Submissions)

Payer: The insurance company that will be making the payment

A note about Payer ID's:

Every insurance plan has a unique Payer ID number that they accept submissions under.  A carrier, such as Noridian, may be responsible for numerous insurance plans, each of which will have its own Payer ID.  For example, Noridian processes Medicare Claims for numerous states and each state's Medicare plan has its own Payer ID.

These numbers can change frequently, so EAC Submissions has assigned its own ID number for each plan and will perform a look-up for the current Payer ID that is required at the time of submission.