Demo Disk
By far the best way to experience The EMS
Accounting System is to run the demo.
The demo is the actual program!
While it is running in demo mode, it will show
your department name as "Sample Fire Department", and it will only
let you enter up to 100 invoices. We also cannot demonstrate
the electronic submissions since you are not connected to a
clearinghouse, but other than that, it is the real thing.
We recommend that you set it up "for real",
entering real patients, insurance carriers, and hospitals so you can
see how easy it is to use. If you like it, we can activate it
with you over the phone and you can keep your work.
You can either download the demo now by clicking
the button below or request a demo packet be sent by mail.
If you need any help with the demo, please feel
free to call us at 815-578-4122, we'll be happy to walk you through
whatever you need.
