We have included some screen shots to give you a feel for the
- The Main Invoice Screen:
- This is the central hub of the program. From this
screen you can look-up old invoices, add new ones, add
payments, print invoices and insurance forms, and if the
carrier is set-up for electronic submissions, send insurance
forms to the selected clearinghouse. Note the change
in the primary insurance button if the carrier has been
set-up for electronic filing.

The Invoice Tab has all the options for printing/sending
insurance forms, printing invoices and adding payments.
The Patient Tab holds the patient's information, and can
also be accessed separately under the Databases Menu.
The program will allow up to three insurance carriers per

The Insurance Tab holds all the information required to
complete the insurance claim. We've added in all the
modifier options and diagnosis code options for ambulance

The Diagnosis Codes can be selected with the pull-down

The Invoice Utilities Tab lets you view the activity for
this invoice, add a comment, send to collection, and for the
"Frequent Flyer", view other claims for that patient.

- The Payment Screen:
- The program understands Medicare payments and will "do
the math" for you, which in most cases will save you typing
in the EOB amounts.

The program will post the payment and the amount accepted
on assignment to the invoice screen.

If the patient has a secondary insurance policy, you
could print a claim for that carrier and if not, you can
print an invoice for the patient's amount.
- Insurance Carriers:
- Insurance carriers are "collected" as you go.
We've pre-loaded all the Medicare Carriers and are adding
other insurance carriers as their requirements are
confirmed. The "normal" custom options are displayed
for the carrier on the carrier's main screen with the more
unusual requirements on a separate customization screen.
If you are filing electronically, the customization is
performed by the clearinghouse.

Additional carrier settings screen:

- Reports:
- The program has a Summary Report that can be used to
give a "snap shot" of the current status of your accounts.
More sophisticated reports are generated with the Report
Writer. We've added enough options to the report writer to
satisfy every one of our customer's needs.

We've also added the ability to print various useful
lists and mailing labels.

- Try the Demo:
- These screen shots are only the "tip of the iceberg".
We strongly recommend that you try the demo and experience
all the features.